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Registration Listing

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There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Please check the Baseball Age Chart (hover over the "Baseball" tab) to determine which division your child may register to play.


Practices will start in mid-February.  Games will begin in mid-March and run until June(ish).


Each team plays 15-16 games per season.
Usually two games per week inclusive of Saturday.
Games played during the week start at 5:30 PM or at 7:45 PM.
Games played on Saturday will be scheduled at times ranging from 8:00 AM to 7:45 PM.
Game length is typically 1½ hours, can go no longer than two hours and consists of 5-6 innings.


Practice occurs as much as three times a week prior to the season with usually one practice per week during the season. Practice schedules vary from team to team based on the requirements of the manager.


TLL provides a T-shirt jersey, pants and cap. Parents must provide socks and rubber baseball cleats.


Parents must provide ball glove and bat.  If you purchase a bat, a shorter/lighter bat is better than a longer one!  (see our bat size chart for guidance on choosing a bat)


Teams usually consist of 11 or 12 players, a volunteer manager, two volunteer coaches, volunteer team parent, and a volunteer scorekeeper.  Anyone interested in managing should refer to our website for manager application information, or contact a league official. 

Teams are selected via a draft in mid-February after a player skills assessment clinic is conducted.


To continue to teach the basic fundamentals of baseball and introduce game strategy.


TLL is an all volunteer organization. We need everyone’s help! Parents are expected to serve one shift of concession stand duty during the season.


Q: Do you keep score and are there umpires?
A: Yes. Every manager maintains a score book. League standings are kept to determine a regular season winner and to determine playoff games. There is a home plate umpire and each manager or from the previous game umpires at first and third.

Q: What size field do they play on and where is the field?
A: All games are played on a regulation Little League field with a grass infield and grass outfield. Fields #6 and #7 are used. Bases are 60’ apart and the pitcher mound is 46’ from home plate.

Q: Can I have my child play on a team with their friends?
A: Not unless they are drafted onto the same team. In this age group, player’s skills are evaluated in a skills assessment clinic. Then a draft is held for the managers. Selection order in the draft is based on the where the team finished in the previous season.

Q: Can I manage or coach a team?
A: Yes, if positions are available we welcome the help.  Prospective managers must complete an online application.  If you would like to serve as a manager, then please monitor the website for manager application information, or contact a league official for more information.  If you would like to help a manager by being an assistant coach, make sure you note that on your son's registration form.  All managers and coaches must pass a Little League background check and be approved by the Tuckahoe Little League Board of Directors.

Q: Will my child get to play all the time?
A: Probably not the entire game, but our rules require the manager to play each child at least 50% of each game.

Q: What are the volunteer requirements?
A: TLL is an all volunteer organization so there are many ways to volunteer.  Every parent is expected to help with his/her team's shift in the league concession stand.  In addition to that, help is always needed with registration, team parenting, assisting with picture and carnival day activities, helping with post-season tournaments, and working in the concession stand to name just a few of the many ways to help support TLL.  If you are interested in helping, please let us know!

Q: Why a draft? Sounds pretty serious.
A: A draft is the best way to evenly spread the various skill level of players throughout the league. TLL holds a player skills assessment clinic. Each child is required to swing a bat and run to first base, field a ground ball and catch a fly ball. The player’s skills are assessed and the manager then decides what child he would like to draft in the various rounds of the draft.

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