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Please check the "2024 Softball Age Chart" to determine which division your child may register to play.


The season will start in late February and run through late May. 


Games will begin in early March.  Each team will be scheduled to play 15-16 games during the season. Usually two games per week, with Majors games Monday thru Saturday. Games played during the week generally start at 7:45 PM, occasionally at 5:45 PM Games played on Saturday will be scheduled at times ranging from 8:00 AM to 7:45 PM. Game length is typically 1½ hours and can go no longer than two hours. Majors are scheduled for six innings.


Practices will begin in late February.  Practice occurs two to three times a week prior to the season, with usually one practice per week during the season. Practice schedules vary from team to team based on the requirements of the manager.


TLL provides a jersey, headband, socks and softball pants. Players provide rubber softball cleats or sneakers.


Players provide a glove, and are encouraged to have their own bat. Some bats are provided to each manager by TLL.


Teams usually consist of 12-14 players, a volunteer manager, two volunteer coaches, field preparation coordinator, and a volunteer team parent. Additional parents who can volunteer to help at practices is encouraged. Teams are selected via a draft in mid-February after the player skills assessment clinic is conducted.


To continue to teach the basic fundamentals of softball and introduce game strategy.


TLL is an all volunteer organization. We need everyone's help! Parents are expected to serve one shift of concession stand duty during the season and to support the TLL Family Fun Day (Carnival-Picture Day).


Q: Do you keep score and are there umpires?
A: Yes. Every manager maintains a scorebook. League standings are kept to determine a regular season winner and to determine playoff games. There is a home plate umpire and a manager from the previous game to umpire the bases.

Q: What size field do they play on and where is the field?
A: All games are played on a regulation Little League Softball field with a dirt infield and grass outfield. Majors and Juniors play on Softball Field #10. Bases are 60' apart and the pitchers' circle is 40' from home plate. Majors use a 12” ball.

Q: Can I have my child play on a team with their friends?
A: It is NOT guaranteed at the major level. You may make such a request, but in these age groups, player's skills are evaluated in a skills assessment clinic. Then a draft is held. Managers may give some consideration to these requests at the draft.

Q: Can I Manage or coach a team?
A: Yes, if positions are available. Prospective managers must complete an online application prior to the season. If you would like to serve as a coach, please note that on your child's registration form. All managers and coaches must be approved by the Tuckahoe Little League Board of Directors.

Q: How much will my child get to play?
A: To be fair to all players, our rules require that each child play in at least half of each game and start at least half of the games.

Q: What are the volunteer requirements?
A: TLL is an all volunteer organization so there are many ways to volunteer. Help is always needed with registration, team parenting, assisting with picture and carnival day activities, helping with post-season tournaments, and working in the concession stand to name just a few of the many ways to help support TLL.

Q: Why a draft? Sounds pretty serious.
A: A draft is the best way to evenly spread the various skill level of players throughout the league. TLL holds a player skills assessment clinic. Each child is required to swing a bat and run to first base, throw the ball, field a ground ball and catch a fly ball. The player's skills are assessed and the manager then decides what child he would like to draft in the various rounds of the draft.

Q: I have two daughters and I'd rather not be driving them back and forth to practices and games every night. Can they be on the same team?
A: Yes! As long as they are both in the Majors age group. We cannot cross-over between two leagues. Their league-age will determine that. Please indicate your request on the registration form.

Q: What is "league-age?"
A: Your child's age on December 31 of the prior year will determine what league she may play in. For example, if she turns 12 on or before December 31, 2023, her league age for 2024 is 12.

Q: My daughter is 10 but has never played before. I'm worried about her attending the skills assessment because the Majors may be a bit too advanced for her. Can I ask that she play in the Minors?
A: Yes. 10-year-olds are asked to participate in the skills assessment clinic. They are then placed on either a Minors team or a Majors team, pending the managers' evaluations. Please indicate your preference that she play in the Minors on the registration form. However, we still ask you to have your child participate in the skills assessment clinic and allow our managers and coaches an opportunity to evaluate her.

Q: My daughter is 13 but has never played before. I'm worried that the Juniors/Seniors may be a bit too advanced for her. Can she play in the Majors?
A: No. National Little League does not allow us to cross-over between the Majors and the Juniors/Seniors. But it is never too late to get started playing, and our managers and coaches welcome the opportunity to work with your daughter. If she works at it, we're sure she'll have a great time!

Q: My daughter already plays school ball. Why should she play at TLL?
A: Quite simply, the more they play, the better they will get, and the more fun they will have on the softball field. At Tuckahoe, we start a month earlier than school ball, giving the girls more practice time. TLL also affords the opportunity to try different positions, play with their friends and make new friends. Finally, TLL schedules attempt to accommodate other activities the girls may be involved in, and of course, school work!

Q: My daughter is 11, but doesn't have much experience with fastpitch softball. May she play in the minors division?
A: Yes, but please be sure to put the request on her registration ad discuss it with the League Director or Player Agent.

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