Please check the Baseball Age Chart (hover over the "Baseball" tab) to determine which division your child may register to play.

Tuckahoe Little League's program for 4
year old boys and girls!
What is Bubba Ball?
Bubba Ball is a modified version of t-ball that is played with a large
plastic bat and a special softer ball. It is a fast moving, easy, game.
Bubba ball has very few rules. Parents have as much fun as the kids.
The cost is only $50 per player! Your cost includes
a shirt and hat. No other equipment is needed. Most players
will purchase a glove, but it is not necessary (see below).
Games are 3-4 innings and last less than an hour.
It is played on the grass and the bases are approximately 45 feet long.
Players can wear fielding gloves, but the balls are so safe there is no
need for gloves.
The big plastic bat is light weight and easy for young players to swing,
but it is so big it is easy to hit a ball tossed by a coach.
The ball is soft and much safer for younger players.
The small teams result in shorter innings and constant movement, so the
kids stay focused and have fun.
Parents sit on the side of the field very close to the action, and are
encouraged to get involved with their child. Run the bases with
begin in mid-April and last until mid-June-ish.
We need Bubba Ball managers! It's easy, and fun! Prospective
managers must complete an online application. If you would like to
serve as a manager, then please monitor the website for manager
application information, or contact a league official for more
information. If you would like to help a manager by being an
assistant coach, make sure you note that on your son's registration
Tuckahoe Little League is entirely run by volunteer parents!! So
what does that mean for you? We need your help to help your little
slugger get the most of his/her Little League experience. That's all there is to it!
Want to do more? We are always looking for
energetic parents who want to make a difference. Help is always
needed with registration, team parenting, helping with post-season
tournaments, and working in the concession stand to name just a few of the
many ways to help support TLL. If you are interested in helping,
please let us know!